Using Interactive Infographics to Build Social and Civic Competences of Migrant Women - THRIVE

The extent and success of integration can be measured by the degree of parity or equality of outcomes with other members of the receiving or host community. The THRIVE project will directly address this 'parity gap' across the consortium by developing educational and innovative solutions to actively bring people and cultures closer, and help female migrants realise their true civic and social potential through education. Trust is also at the heart of the matter; social inclusion happens at the local level, there is significant value in working with local authorities and communities to cultivate a climate of mutual understanding, trust, and cooperation that THRIVE will build upon. THRIVE aims to harness the potential for learning within female migrant communities that comes with 'always on, always accessible' mobile technology platforms.

The target groups are; community staff and educators, trainers and mediators workers working in formal and informal community and adult education. Community organisations and agencies looking for new ways to integrate and engage incoming female migrants and third country nationals. female migrants and third country nationals themselves looking to integrate, assimilate, understand and claim a stake in the civic and social life of their new country