Skill-Pics - Using Interactive Infographics to Promote Problem Based Learning for the Development of Key Transversal Skills
The European Commission has emphasised the need to develop key transversal skills in all sectors of education to sustain the high-value knowledge economy. Rethinking Education calls on Member States to provide all citizens with learning opportunities to develop key transversal skills like digital literacy, entrepreneurship, critical and creative thinking, leadership, innovation, problem solving, teamwork and social impact and highlights the importance of learning by doing within VET. The objectives of this project are to:
- Promote the acquisition of key transversal skills through the use of alternative pedagogical resources using a problem-based learning approach
- Support acquisition of key transversal competences in VET
- Support VET tutors to develop their own problem-based learning resources to include Digital Breakouts and WebQuests in an interdisciplinary way
- Promote a cross-curricular approach to subjects and, consequently, a collaborative work from tutors